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COVID- 19 Policies and Procedures 

Covid-19 Policy

CDC recommends wearing a cloth face covering as a measure to contain the wearer’s respiratory droplets and help protect others. Employees should not wear a cloth face covering if they have trouble breathing, cannot tolerate wearing it, or can’t remove it without help.


Cloth face coverings are not considered personal protective equipment and may not protect the wearers from exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. However, cloth face coverings may prevent workers, including those who don’t know they have the virus, from spreading it to others.


Community Partnership

The Dreamcatchers Care community relies upon each family to do their part to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our school community. This includes activities and behaviors outside of school. We rely on a mutual commitment to the wellbeing of each other as a primary strategy of keeping our school community safe.

We ask all Dreamcatchers Care Families to commit to:

  • Practice physical distancing and wear a mask while both on and off-campus.

  • Make significant consideration of limiting risks outside of Arbor (such as limiting social contact with those in the community or keeping contact only with those within the family’s COVID-19 “bubble”).

  • Keep students at home if they are sick with an infectious illness, including the flu or strep throat.

  • Keep students at home who have been exposed to anyone who has COVID-19 or is exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

  • Keep students at home if someone in your household is ill or has been closely exposed to COVID-19.

  • Honor the request for families to limit their access to the school campus to approved events.

  • Make efforts to arrive and pick up children on time, particularly when addressing any student who becomes ill while on campus.

  • Report family exposure, illness, or any other information to the school that will assist us in maintaining a safe environment

  • Follow CDC recommendations regarding travel and self-quarantine when returning from travel.

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